Welcome To The Neighborhood: A Mister Rogers Tribute Podcast
Welcome To The Neighborhood is a Mister Rogers Podcast Tribute inspired from the Twitter account @MisterRogersSay
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Welcome To The Neighborhood: Mister Rogers Speaks
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Welcome To The Neighborhood: Mister Rogers Speaks
This week I'm happy to present the words of Fred Rogers, from in his own lips. Take a few quiet moments to listen and be refreshed by these timeless words of wisdom and kindness.
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Friday Jul 10, 2020
You Are My Friend: The Songs of Fred Rogers - Daniel Knox Talks About His Latest Album
This week is a special bonus episode with Chicago based singer and songwriter Daniel Knox
Daniel Knox has a commanding baritone voice that can invoke both power and tenderness interchangably. On his latest album, You Are My Friend: The Songs of Mister Rogers, Knox captures the care and generosity of Fred Rogers music, honors the original spirit of the music of Mister Rogers, while infusing it with the complications adding his own musical idea.
Hearing the childlike, welcoming lyrics of Fred Rogers through the sound of a strong baritone voice makes this album unique and original among the library of Mister Rogers tribute projects that have released over the years.
Knox’s blanket of simple piano melodies and distinctive vocals invite the listener into a playful atmosphere where they can grapple with that joys and fears that that confront both adults and children alike. You Are My Friend is like a Mister Rogers album for contemplative adults that helps us to laugh, cry and reflect on and navigate the joys and sorrows of adulthood. It’s like musical medicine for weary souls who long to see the world again through the eyes of a child.
About The Album:
You Are My Friend is made up of 11 songs from Mister Rogers Neighborhood, recorded for piano and voice. Kit Shields sings the part of Lady Aberlin to my Daniel Tiger on the duet “Sometimes I Wonder If I’m a Mistake”. The beautiful cover art is by Lake Wilson.The music video for “Some Things I Don’t Understand”, directed by Lily Ekimian and A.T. Ragheb of Dog Door Films, is a simple and beautiful portrait of Rogers’ hometown of Pittsburgh.Watch the video here:youtu.be/9qGjrUboBOY
BUY NOW: https://amzn.to/31ZopgQ
You Can Also Stream The Album on Bandcamp or order the limited edition blue cassette.
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Bonus Episode: Welcome To The Neighborhood of Solitude with Eileen Hunt Botting
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Bonus Episode: Welcome To The Neighborhood of Solitude with Eileen Hunt Botting
Eileen Hunt Botting is a mild-mannered political theorist, an author, and a Professor of Political Science at Notre Dame.
Eileen recently published an essay called Welcome to the Neighborhood of Solitude, which looks at Mister Rogers Neighborhood through the lens of the COVID-19 Pandemic times we are living through.
Eileen stopped by for a visit and I’m so glad that she did.
Rick Lee James
Thursday May 28, 2020
Bonus Episode - Making Friends
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
Bonus Episode: Making Friends
Because we are all dealing with a lot these days and tensions have never been higher, I thought it might be a good idea to share Fred Rogers thoughts on friendship from his book, Making Friends.
Rick Lee James
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Bonus Episode: Officer Clemmons Returns With A New Memoir
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Bonus Episode: Officer Clemmons Returns With A New Memoir
This week in the neighborhood, our guest is Dr. François S. Clemmons, aka Officer Clemmons is back with an in depth conversation.
François Scarborough Clemmons (born April 23, 1945 in Birmingham) is an opera singer, playwright, and lecturer best known for his appearances as Officer Clemmons on Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.
François made his first appearance on Mister Rogers Neighborhood in 1968. His role as Officer Clemmons on Mister Rogers Neighborhood was groundbreaking, presenting a positive image of an African American at a time when racial tensions were high. He writes in his new book, Officer Clemmons, that in Fred Rogers he found a friend, a mentor, and with Fred’s wife Joanne, a family. His new memoir titled, Officer Clemmons, is now available.
Buy The New Book: Officer Clemmons
Thank you for joining us here this week in the neighborhood.
Theme Music featured on this podcast is "Nouvelle Noel" by Kevin MacLeod and all other Music by Benjamin Tossot at www.Bensound.com.
Special Thanks to my guest neighbor Francois Clemmons and Catapult Books
Also a special thanks to the @MisterRogersSay Community on Twitter
Your host is Rick Lee James.
Rick's Twitter account is @RickLeeJames and his web site is RickLeeJames.com.
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Facing Difficult Situations with Fred Rogers - Bonus Episode
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Facing Difficult Situations with Fred Rogers: Bonus Episode
This episode contains passages from the book, You Are Special: Words of Wisdom from America's Most Beloved Neighbor - written by Fred Rogers
Find This Book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3cAf0hJ
Hosted by Rick Lee James
Rick's Web Site: www.RickLeeJames.com
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Life's Journeys According To Mister Rogers: Things To Remember Along The Way
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Life's Journeys According To Mister Rogers: Things To Remember Along The Way
Find This Book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2RhzJ1O
This week we are pleased to bring you a bonus episode highlighting some wonderful passages from one of Fred Rogers' best loved books. We also share a special foreword to the book written by Fred's wife, Joanne. This episode is full of wisdom from Fred Rogers himself.
For More Wisdom From Fred Rogers, Check Out Tom Junod's Book: A Beautiful Day In the Neighborhood
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Dealing With Loss & When A Pet Dies
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Dealing With Loss & When A Pet Dies
Because we are all dealing with loss in many ways I thought it might be a good idea to share an episode like this one that deals with loss and the Fred Rogers book, When A Pet Dies.
Rick Lee James
Buy This Book: https://amzn.to/341XfoI
Hosted by Rick Lee James
Mister Rogers Quotes on Twitter: @MisterRogersSay
Rick Lee James on Twitter: @RickLeeJames
Rick Lee James Web Site: www.RickLeeJames.com
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Happy Birthday Mister Rogers (Live Episode)
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Happy Birthday Mister Rogers (Live Episode)
"You make each day a special day. You know how, by just your being you. There's only one person in this whole world like you. And people can like you exactly as you are."
-Fred Rogers
Fred Rogers would have been 92 years old today, so I felt like today would be the perfect day for a live tribute episode, complete with Fred Rogers Quotes.
As we again walk into this podcast neighborhood, we want you to know that no matter where you are from, you are welcome here. I’m glad to be your our neighbor. Every daughter, every son, every tribe, and every tongue, in the Spirit of Fred Rogers and the life of welcome that he lived, welcome to the neighborhood.
Hosted by Rick Lee James
Mister Rogers Quotes on Twitter: @MisterRogersSay
Rick Lee James on Twitter: @RickLeeJames
Rick Lee James Web Site: www.RickLeeJames.com
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Bonus Episode: Looking For Helpers and Being Helpers In The Time of A Pandemic
This is the first livestream episode of this podcast I beg your pardon if the audio quality isn't what we usually have. I wanted to take some time today, very briefly, to talk about a few ways that we might be good helpers and neighbors in this very testing time that we are living in with the coronavirus pandemic affecting all of us in one way or another. I'd love to hear from you with your ideas about how to be helpers. Send me a tweet @MisterRogersSay.
As always, thank you for listening. As Fred Rogers said, "By listening, you minister to me."
Rick Lee James